Plus ça change...

By SooB


I think this rose must have heard the discussion about pruning... I has suddenly produced a flush of delightful new blooms to delay the inevitable...

Garden work this morning, including a rather too close interaction with a mouse (still, better in a half dismantled cold frame than in my kitchen) and lots of hauling stuff around to clear space where digging has to happen.  I limit these sessions now to an hour or so, so my shoulder is holding up well.  As soon as Mr B is safely out of the country I can resume normal service, of course.

Later ironing, stove price negotiating, fire-bowl chasing and taxi duties.  TallGirl presented this evening with the sighing "I'm fine" routine and a face so long I'd need panoramic mode to photograph it. Eventually I weaselled out of her (ok, cuddled out of her) the list of five sadnesses and happily was able to knock three of them over with one simple action.  I've never met anyone who can worry so much about so little.

(Except maybe me.)

No war dreams last night - hurrah - just the usual stream of anxiety-related ones: exams I hadn't revised for, people whose names I had forgotten and (new one this) speeches in French I had not practised for.  Same old.

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