
The weather has turned and it is cold and cloudy today I'm resisting turning on the heat, but I may relent and turn it on soon. Blake was the only member of the household with any energy today and he harassed Ozzie relentlessly all day. He finally succeeded in getting Ozzie to play tug of war with his toy just before Dana came to pick him up. It was good for both of them. The vet couldn't find anything intrinsically wrong with Ozzie's eye, so he prescribed some antibiotic drops. 

I spent a lot of time with my camera, my notes, and the dreaded Owner's Manual today. An additional and not insignificant complication is the fact that the way it was printed from the computer resulted in two sided pages that are not consecutive. A certain amount  lot of shuffling and bad words are involved just in finding the right page. Not that anything about the owner's manual is linear anyway, but then again, neither is my thought process….

I DID learn quite a lot about macro photography and worked on step one today beginning with my pen on a page of notes and ending with this feather.  I think I may learn more about the language of the owner's manual than I do about photography at first, but combined with Brian's help, I may venture off Auto yet…although probably not anytime soon.

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