Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Are we nearly there yet?

Whatever touch I had, it's left me.  No longer am I able to nurse this little lady back to sleep when she wakes in the night.  What I lack in comfort I make up for in stamina but I'm afraid that's all I have.

As a result, Nikki ends up taking care of (i.e. feeding) her far more during the nights than she used to.  I wouldn't mind but I end up feeling so useless.

In some ways I'm almost happy that our wee boy is having restless nights too because at least I'm able to crawl into bed, cuddle up to him and lull him to sleep.  It's a pretty rotten sleep but at least I feel like I'm contributing something to the family, and the aches and pains of sharing a single bunk provide the war wounds that give me strength to carry on.

What went wrong?

Apparently the little lady is in the midst of another cognitive leap, which means her mind is working overtime.  Hopefully it won't last long.  Is it too much to ask to have two children that sleep through the night?  Even if they wake up needing a cuddle I'll take it.

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