It's Friday! Spent today sorting my workstation out at work. This week IT gave me a new laptop to replace my old desktop and laptop. It's the current generation company Dell, not bad, probably faster hardware than the old desktop but as it's running Windows 7 it actually feels slower at most tasks.
I've now got the docking station set up so I can use the external monitor and laptop screen at the same time which is an efficient working method for me. I've yet to organise things exactly as I want and left work this afternoon slightly stiff from sitting in a funny position all day. As I left the building the heavens opened and it poured with rain.
By the time I'd made it across town to the station and my 8 minute train ride to the village not only had the downpour stopped but it looked like it had never rained at all in the village.
Today's blip is probably the common corncockle (Agrostemma githago) once a common wheat weed that is now quite rare. It's growing in our meadow and it's supposed to be there. The rape field next to our meadow did have quite an impressive collection of red poppy weeds in but though it looked much better when I got it onto the computer screen than I expected, this photo won the day.
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