Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Another sunny day

How nice to be able to say its been another sunny day today and where better to spend the day than Buttermere.  Having seen Ros and Trevor Earthy's stunning reflection images yesterday I just had to go. 

We had a wonderful walk around the lake and met so many people to chat to which is one of the great things about having a dog!  Somebody spent ages taking a video of Misty swimming, don't know why!   Everybody was so happy to be out in the sunshine and admiring the reflections.  Stopped off at the little tea shop and had some ice cream, oh and a coffee and scone, delicious!  Misty was very good and passed a test as I'd tied her up outside and half expected her to chew through the lead as she has done in the past and come inside the shop whilst I was ordering.  She was happy enough though as she could see me and of course she had to help me eat the scone :)

It was so hard to choose what to upload to my journal so have included a couple in Extras.  Today's blip looks better in Large.

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