
Going to keep this short today as avoided a full blown migraine with the pink tablets but plan an early night. Just don't feel right and have not for a while - think it's just the old shingle nonsense mucking up my system. I have flashes of liveliness and then utter oomphlessness! 
Fun today was on the allotment with the girls - playing around with morning and evening light and doing a nice burn up in the incinerator. Absolute nightmare was doing the egg bill - maths was never my strong point and who owes what to whom completely did my head in. But the chickens have paid their own keep the last two months so thats good! 
I may be doing a backblip on sat for friday as housewarming party in eve for Compassionate Girl - plus a blipmeet saturday  at a  Vintage Fair at Mawgan Porth again -   what could be better! So maybe two backblips sunday even!!!! Definitely an early night for me! 

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