Onwards and Upwards!!

I chose this shot today because it reminds me of good times. It was also a gift, from Jennifer's brother and one that was greatly appreciated, especially as it was most unexpected. So thankyou John, it has a good home and will always remind of an enjoyable time spent with you and your family.

Well, I've ended up taking a bit of a break from blip since my 365th, (thankyou to everybody who commented on my milestone), but not one I really planned or intended. Unfortunately, I have had a lot of things on my mind, and I found myself with no motivation or inspiration. My camera has actually been sat in its bag and not moved since the day I got back from Kansas 3 weeks ago. I'm quite angry at myself about it, but its out again, and I intend on using it.

I've found myself in a bit of hole since I got home from Kansas, and one that I mainly dug for myself. When I find myself like this, my response is to go into my shell, and try to deal with everything myself. Probably not the best way to deal with things, and its certainly not from a lack of support. I have a great circle of friends and family, who are only to willing to help, but for some reason, I chose the difficult route. I have spent the last few weeks incredibly confused, wallowing in self pity, and its really got me down. I honestly haven't been this down for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure I quite hit depression, but I wasn't far away I can tell you. I feel like I have neglected too many people, especially my nephews, and that just isn't like me at all. I don't get to spend a lot of time at home, so I don't intend on wasting anymore of it.

Anyway, I am getting back to my normal self again. I had a quiet weekend, and spent it doing a lot of thinking, and trying to put everything, and my life, into perspective. I'm gradually getting back to the happy-go-lucky, fun loving, optimistic person I've always been. I've hated the way I've been, and I want to enjoy my life. Thats what I intend to do!! I spent all day today going through all of my belongings, slowly sorting out it all out into some sort of order. Getting rid of a lot, kinda like cleansing my life, and boy, did it feel good.

Life goes on after all. Onwards and Upwards!!

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