A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Flower Friday 2 :: FF2 :: A Farewell Rose

Yesterday we said our goodbyes to Mrs S’s father. He had battled with prostate cancer for more years than any of the specialist could believe. 

He had a full and active life having been a teacher in Northern Nigeria (1958-1969) and a Classics Master at Dulwich College (1969-1994) where he had also been a scout master. 

He supported many local and national charities, his church and more than all his family. He was able to have empathy with everyone and anyone. He was a great communicator. On a previous stay in hospital he was being treated by a Russian nurse on one side and a Nigerian nurse on the other. He talked fluently to both in their native tongue. 

He will be greatly missed. 

This is one of the flowers that accompanied him to the crematorium. 

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