Sue's Images


Red Admiral

Well what a day!   I felt good when I got up this morning, I had planned to go out wherever the fancy took me with camera in hand and it was such a lovely day.  I was up at six and watched a couple of TV programme's I had recorded and was just thinking about going out when the phone rang!  Would I pick up G from school he wasn't feeling well.   That scuppered my plans.  Poor G was suffering with his ears again, good thing his sister was feeling a bit better and was in school. 

We had fun when I took G to the doctors though.  G asked the doctor for a sticker and as he didn't have one, the doctor drew a picture of a footballer on a sticky label it was quite good.  Then G wanted the doctor to stand by the wall to see how tall he was and he obliged it was quite funny, you had to be there!

I managed to get a blip of another butterfly in the garden near the apple trees.

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