Turns out I forgot to take any photos today. So no shot of the romantic misty morning drive to school to sort out a problem which (hurrah) turns out not to be our problem.
No pic of the 13.47 tonnes of gravel dumped in the garden by a man excessively keen on reversing (beep beep beep for 800 metres) and who just managed not to destroy our recently discovered olive tree.
No photo of the quizzical look on CarbBoy's face as I explained video piracy, copyright law, how best to support the film industry and why we were therefore not going to accept a neighbour's kind offer of a free copy of Jurassic World (especially since it's out soon anyway).
And most importantly no blip of the lamb curry (with dhal, naan, etc) that took up my evening. I'm sad to say that by the time blip entered my mind the banquet had been gobbled up. So here's some of the oven-side post curry chaos. I don't cook curry to any sort of recipe - just adding whatever I feel like on the day. Today I managed to get the heat just right to keep me and Mr B happy, a rare occurrence.
Now Bake Off catch up on the telly, and the slow slide into the weekend.
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