October bees

The modus operandi in working on the studio extension is to make it up as I go along.  There is some forward planning of course but there is no final plan agreed with the client (Ellen) to confirm an agreed end point.  While that introduces some excitement into the process, it can lead to difficulties.

The first difficulty is dealing with offers of help.  They are most welcome but given I am not entirely sure what I am doing, it is difficult to delegate other tasks.

We came across a second difficulty the other day.  I had put together a very substantial notice board with great resourcefulness using remnant mdf.  It was pointed that an even better notice board/wall would be possible using plasterboard.  OK.  So today there was dismantling and reconstruction.  The client is now pleased.

As I was contemplating what to do next over a cup of tea, I noticed the bees crowding on the sedum spectabile.  Wonder if they have a plan?

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