Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Top Cat!

I had an unscheduled Burntisland afternoon today.  Was asked if I could possibly go down to take Ida for her swimming lesson, as Daddy had to make up some lost work time from Tuesday.

Want to know what happened on Tuesday?  The kittens, Iggy (back) and Hero (front) had a little adventure, involving 3 ferocious dogs in a nearby garden.  Resourceful as ever, Iggy (probably - he is usually the leader in any endeavour) and his brother shot up a very tall tree; 40 foot up a very tall tree. 

They were undiscovered until Tuesday lunchtime, when my son-in-law was going door-to-door looking for them. 

He said later, "I can't believe we have become THOSE neighbours: the embarrassing ones who have to call the Fire Brigade to rescue cats stuck up a tree". 

I think his embarrassment was increased, due to the fact he had been to the Fire Station just the week before with his Cub Scout troup, and had been chatting to the very same firemen!

Meanwhile, Iggy lies in the sun, plotting the next adventure for him and his brother.  Watch this space!

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