
A dog can never get enough of this.
Being asweare at the bottom of the pecking, order so to bark, it is very important that should stuff happen that you are aware and ready.

Yesterday The Boss went to The Vet (don't panic…he is fine, feel his nose!)
to get another bag of grub  for me. Oh…do you kno my grub is made in Holland along with all those Tulips? Amazing!
Err.. right, well anyway the lovely lady at The Vets gave The Boss a Dutch treat, no not 2 lips but a pink (Eucanuba colour)  ball that is full of little compartment bits that can hold bits of grub that I have to then get out which keeps me amused and FOCUSED for some time. 
So there I was this morning outside, sorta asleep under the table and The Boss started telling The Bossess about this new toy and… and… and I thought (rare I kno) he may have done a demo so……… 

Pawscript…Life can be full of disappointing moments.


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