Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Just waiting....

Up early today to take our grand-daughter to ballet..so no usual jaunt to the gym first for us...

I've started my next assignment with the Image Academy having had such an excellent experience with them whilst preparing for the wedding photos...speaking of which, the album was delivered to the happy couple yesterday and they're delighted which makes it all worthwhile...

This assignment is all about street photography...something I've always enjoyed but never quite "got" so I'm hoping to hone my skills...

This is actually my son, I asked him not to pose (something he found difficult!) and just look like he's sitting waiting for someone!

The instructions were simple...shoot from waist height to avoid people looking directly into the camera...something I found really tricky...this one was actually a lot lower down as I'd seen a few images on Flickr of benches and thought I'd give it a go...

My extra image was taken a couple of days ago and there was a graduation going on in the town at the concert hall and I caught this chap just wondering down the High street...I quite liked that one and would have used it for my Blip had it not been Flower Friday!

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