Life Dancing

By lifedancing


Miserable effort of a Blip, a bit like the weather most of the day.

Birdcentric day in spite of it resulting in one lousy shot. The fleeting glimpse of this fella (taken with phone)

Woken early this morning by the furious flapping of wings and saw two pigeons frantically trying to feed from the flimsy new feeding tray that's attached to the window pane by suction pads. (just seen in the photo)
It was the first time I'd seen them attempt this and they almost dislodged it!
I'd purposefully placed it high up so they couldn't access it.

After shooing them away and deciding that at least another15 minutes snooze time was required, had barely closed my eyes when thee was a loud thumping noise coming from the other window.
Looked up to see two huge Magpies trying to perch on another feeder, a wire mesh one. They were far too big and clumsy and struggling to alight on it.
I thought they'd bring the whole thing tumbling down.

Seems the big birds are taking over - they're certainly attracted to the new food that was put out. Not quite what I had in mind.

Am now rethinking the whole bird oasis in the sky thing.

In part this is due to a conversation with someone at a garden centre where I went to look at plants to put on the window sill, thinking this might
a) give the little birds some cover from predators and b) attract more birds.

The motivation was partly in the hope of getting some decent shots.
The person I spoke to advised that it would be best to forego putting plants up as the little birds needed to be alert at all times.
They do have a perfectly good large tree nearby and I don't want to put them in peril by attracting more predators than would normally be around.

He also said that the lovely big potted sunflower I was about to pay for would definitely attract larger birds. That went back on the shop shelf.

Think the bird photography gratification might have to be suspended.
Now thinking it might be best to leave off feeding until winter.

To date the feeders have been visited by:
Bluetits, Chaffinches -many vists.
Two Coal Tits - seen once.
Great Tit - seen once
Magpies - increasingly frequent.

Pigeons are always around - and are complete pests!

Disappointingly, no Robins. Think it's too high up for them.

There's always THIS great journal to visit for a blast of Robin!

Insights, opinions and advice on any of this most welcome.

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