6 years!

Today is our 6 year anniversary! We've had SUCH a lovely day celebrating...Asha went off to hang out with Abby & Charlie whilst we drove up north to a restaurant I've always wanted to go to, in a village called Sant Joan. The place (The Giri Café) was SO amazing...we ate outside in the vegetable garden, surrounded by Ibiza countryside, under a canopy in the rain...we ate incredible grilled salmon & drank lovely wine. It was just wonderful. Then later collected Asha who was shattered & happy - a good combination!
Also in my extras is Danny hanging out of our kitchen window rescuing a peg - couldn't resist a quick snap! Also a photographed photo of us 11.5 years ago when we first met.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny! Through good days & bad days, we're always better together.
2) Creating more special memories -loved our lunch together.
3) C&A looking after Asha.

And to top it all off - we've just had a delivery of Cava and flowers (sunflowers & roses!)! Thanks Han & Grant - amazing!

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