My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Misty Minster

After a quick trip to the doctor's surgery this morning for my flu jab we had another lovely day with the friends we met up with in Margate last weekend. Today we went to the Isle of Sheppey in Kent to have a tasty lunch at the bee farm and a walk along the front at Minster On Sea. The sun broke through the mist as we walked... lovely.

At the bee farm we bought some lovely honey: one pot of chocolate honey (how could we resist) and one pot of honey with propolis which is a natural immune system booster. Maybe it will help me get rid of the end of this cold which has not shifted for three weeks now! The bee lady said it's safe in pregnancy... anyone know anything about it?

By the way, that's me, the taller one on the right, blipped by N... only the second time I've appeared in my journal!!

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