On roof the world

This is the view of Lac d'Annecy from Montiin - totally stunning. We watched hang gliders and paragliders coming overhead but didn't get a decent photo of a pink glider- I'm still attempting my Pinktober but frames will have to do at the moment as the scenery is too beautiful!
From here we went to Lovangy to the amazing Gorges du Fier - a massively deep yet very narrow gorge created by meltwater from a glacier many centuries ago. The walkway is attached to an almost vertical wall with water rushing underneath.
Then on the Jardins Secrets - an incredible set of garden rooms built over many years by one family with beautiful ceramics, woodwork, fountains and an abundance of plants.
This evening it poured with rain but we still walked to the centre of old Annecy for a meal.
This is such an amazing place - we have vowed to return.

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