Apple weekend in the Knott Garden

We visited Hanbury Hall today as Rob's stepdad was exhibiting in the Long Gallery at the Woodturner's exhibition.  Some beautiful stuff in there from all members of the club.  I'm particularly fond of yew...

It was also apple weekend when they sell off their apple harvest - we didn't actually get that far as it was quite a long walk and we had Mom with us.  We were looking after her for the day as my dad had gone to his Church Choir CD recording session  so was busy all day.

There were some difficult moments as when she is out of her comfort zone Mom gets very mithered, but we survived and I hope that she will have some good memories of the day.

There were lots of people around and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

This shot sows the Knott Garden which was restored a couple of years ago and is now beginning to look bright and colourful.  The building at the back is where the wood turning exhibition was being held.

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