Moments in time

By Ali_tkdgirl

Rhee Ki Ha

So today I am late, but I have been at a fascinating seminar today. I left the Isle at 08:30 this morning with 7 of my Tae Kwon Do friends. We travelled to Wiltshire to attend a seminar by First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha. 

It was a honour to be there. First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha was the best student that the founder of Tae Kwon Do, General Choi Hong Hi ever had. He sent Rhee Ki Ha to teach Tae Kwon Do to the World, from there Rhee Ki Ha went to England, and brought Tae Kwon Do to us in 1967. He liked England so much that he stay, so he is our founding father.  He was also the first person ever to be awarded a 9th degree black belt and Grand Master status. 

It was poignant as today in 2333bc Korea (where Tae Kwon Do came from) was founded, and it is actually a national holiday in Korea. 

This picture is of the banner that was in the hall today, I also got a lovely certificate for attending, and the head of our Island Group, Peter, was award a special poster from First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha for being the best student of the day, a great honour, and great for our club.

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