
By cowgirl

Day 2 of Wedding Preparations

After a couple of hours at my Irish friends house catching up on each other's lives, Sav and I went over to the wedding venue ( i.e. the house of the brides father ) to help with whatever was going on.

The menfolk were busy erecting a large awning so that the lawn will be shaded ( it's going up a week early to test that it will be ok on the day ), whilst the womenfolk happily ignored any stereotyping and got on with craft projects - seriously, the awning business was hard work in the sun and we just had to avoid burning our fingers on the hot glue gun, so the men were welcome to it!

About 4pm the mother of the bride and I set off to find some sugar paste and whilst she was chatting to one lady about life and sugar paste, I went on to see another friend. This turned out to be a lucky visit as she knew of a lady who deals in sugar paste and cake decorations, so we were able to get all the sugar paste required in one hit.

In the evening we had a communal dinner with stories of how various couples around the table got together and now we're struggling with intermittent live streaming of the England v Australia rugby match ....

.... it's not going well .....

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