
By FergInCasentino

Last cukes

Which reminds me of bumper sticker seen in the States - probably in Maine: 'Cukes not Nukes'.

Hoping that the milder nights and a drop of warm rain might bring on a last few cukes, zukes and 'freedom fry' (ie French) beans.

A funny day with walk on parts for crabs - the last of the season and not so good - and John Dory (jaune doree). Verdicchio. Local plums. And a bunch of Australian rugby types.

Still find it hard to believe that Wales are through and England not. But then I've always been a 'Cymru am byth' type so not bitterly disappointed.

John amazed (again) at the power of the Internet as I reeled off names for the John Dory - St Peter's Fish. St Pierre, Zeus Faber and (Maori) kuparu.

A couple of extras of the sun's rays shining round the corner through the mist on the trees and the dew-kist nasturtium. (I'm running out - is there some way I can qualify for another fix of extras please Mr Blipfotos?).

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