
I is in focus!  And about time too. 

OK, here's about today.

Walkies, SHE said in the bright lively tone we know so well.  So after a bit of a struggle and an adjustment of the harness, we harnessed up and loaded up and wented in the car to the Park.  I was so excited.  I thought we was going to run round the lake at breakneck speed and then go home again.

Oh no. 

I should have realised when SHE packed her camera bag with no less than THREE lenses.  Yes, I know.  Three.

There was the new macro lens; there was the long lens that HE didn't take with him on account of it's not so good; and there was the regular lens.

And do you know the very first thing she did?  She sat on a rock, and changed lenses.  Yes she did.  Unbelievable.  And I was straining at the lead, all set and raring to go, and she sits on a rock. 

And do you know what else?  It seems that whenever she wants to take THE shot, I wreck it all by pulling and saying let's go, let's go.  Settle down Mish she says.  So I settle down, but by that time, the shot has gone, it's too late and she's missed it.

There's no pleasing some people.

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