It's a Beautiful Life

By ArtyFi

Bedraggled bee

I found this little bee yesterday morning on the oriental poppy that is growing next to our house, doing its best to shelter from the torrential rain. It had failed somewhat in its task and was completely soaked. It touched my heart strings and I decided to do what I could to save it. So I brought it inside on a plant dish and gave it some flowers and a spot of honey. After some time of resting, it fed on the flower and then found the honey which it proceeded to devour with great gusto. It guzzled this little spot in the photo in no time and I gave it some more. Within a couple of hours it was dry and had cleaned and preened itself so it was looking pristine again, its fur all neatly brushed, and was clambering around the little shelter I had made. In a break in the rain and a little unexpected sunshine, I took it outside and it made its way onto the grass. After a little more honey, it took to the air, hovered a little and then flew off, to safety I pray!

A little over-sentimental, perhaps, but I just couldn't ignore its plight with the bee population dwindling as it is. Mother Teresa said "Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you." This was only a little bee, but for me the principle applies! If I can't have compassion for such a little creature, how can I have compassion for other people?

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