I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!

It was a hobby of my dad's to sing several songs at once; not because he had an amazing vocal technique whereby he could mix layers at once, but because by the time he got to the end of one line of one song, he had forgotten what song he was singing and would move on to the next. 

Annie Laurie frequently got merged with The Last Rose.    Softly, as I leave you, would turn into "She".   

He did the same with poetry too. Hiawatha moved from Gitchee Gumee to the River Alph, where Kubla Khan ordered the building of a Pleasure dome.

HIs big love, Country, provided us with many classic moments - Billy Jo Spears Blanket on the Ground, frequently ended in D I V O R C E, and Charlie Rich's Most Beautiful Girl, was frequently taking the Ribbons from her hair.     

It always made me smile, but not as much as the Meatloaf Remix..... think.... Paradise by the Dashboard light, being thwarted by only having two out of three... and then being hit by a Bat out of Hell. 

Is memories like that which keep my dad alive in my heart, even though he has now been gone for so many years - more years than I had him alive.  

And yes, when I'm singing loudly in the car, you will hear the dulcet tones of me contemplating my 57 Chevrolet, which has a blanket on the back seat ready for throwin on the ground by a Boy Named Sue. 

And oh dearie me, yes, himself and i have been exceptionally under the weather today.  Very, very wearie.  The Real Ale Festival in the Town Hall was just grand, and we finished off with a glass in the local Bar - the one of the Fairy LIghts from yesterday.  By that time  - we weren't even capable of finishing the drinks we had :-)   Oh, we'll pay for playing all week now!

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