Two Lakwatseras!

In Tagalog, our language, the verb 'lakwatsa' means 'to goof off', something she and I obviously like to do ... hahaha!  You can read here all about our day in London together ... a fun day!

Shot taken during our short sit-down at Kensington Palace.  Of course, I bought two cheesy souvenirs -- reading materials.

A short relaise about my own trip.  Arrived at the carpark in Breda at 23.00 the night before.  The bus arrived at 23.20, five minutes late, but that didn't matter.  As prearranged, I phoned hubby so that he knew exactly what time I had boarded the bus.  We picked up some more folks in a suburb near Antwerp then drove to Dunquerque for the ferry.  A couple of people's passports had to be scrutinized a bit more in detail, which resulted in our missing the boat we wanted.  But, okay, nice moment for a nap, then on to the boat, then over the water, then the two-hour drive to London.  We disembarked at Whitehall at about 09.10 and I immediately headed for Westminster Abbey, which was numero uno on my list as I had never been there.  Two and a half hours of walking around followed, including a number of highly successful sneak shots.  After that, a quick stroll through St. James Park to meet Lakwatsera at the Victoria Memorial.

To sum up -- 2.5 hours at Westminster Abbey, then the whole of St. James Park, followed by the walk to Wellington Arch, and then on through Hyde Park, and then further to the Kensington Gardens, then around the Diana Memorial, and finally Kensington Palace, which we agreed we didn't need to explore but where it was convenient for a short break.  On the way back, my legs, being several autumns older than hers, desperately needed to slow down.  I did my best, though, but had to admit I couldn't any more run with her to see her off at her station.  We parted in Hyde Park and I really took about 20 minutes to just sit, after which I could have taken the subway ... and miss all that cultural scenery?  No way!  So I walked back the entire way, a lot slower this time, and even found time to take shots of the Parliament buildings and more memorials on the way there.  I arrived with about half an hour to spare back at the Whitehall pick-up point.  As it turned out, our bus was late by a full half hour because of traffic.  We left Whitehall at 08.50

A lot more tired now, I promptly switched to nap mode and stayed that way all the way back to The Neth.  We were able to catch the boat we needed and I was back in my car by about 04.55 and home by 05.20.  Before I crept into bed, sat 15 minutes in the infrared to heat up my legs which had become cold and stiff.

THANK YOU, Lakwatsera, for a most beautiful day!

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