Only The Lonely

Overnight Joshua was at Cadet Camp, Clare was up and gone by 0600 for her long day shift so it was a leisurely breakfast of bacon, eggs, fried tomotoes and toast with a couple of filtered coffees for me.
Sam came down for breakfast as I was finishing mine and I dropped her at work.
Left on my own I bought milk, sliced corned beef and Kit-Kats, it's what happens when Clare's not with me.
Four bags of coal from Trago's at a greatly reduced price then off to the rugby club to pay the overdue subs over a coffee and catch up with Arthur before calling in and paying my paper bill.
Two lots of washing out, Joshua's school trousers and shirt ironed, his bed made and laundry put away.
Grass cut and back garden cleared and cleaned, BBQ away and some light work around the shed.
As the weather worsened collected Josh and his friend and after dropping his friend collected Sam.
I lit the fire whilst cooking dinner and am now fed and settled with the paper ready for the new four parter starting tonight on BBC1.

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