Sunday: Cathedral Close

I must confess that this path around the cathedral was a new discovery for me today - I've been to the cathedral many times but, for some reason, it never occurred to me to have a look to see what was behind it.  Anyway, I have been enjoying having a very thorough play with my new camera.  One curious phenomenon, though - I was playing with some effects but, with one particular effect, it has been completely lost in the upload with an 'ordinary' photo being uploaded instead.  It doesn't really matter, as it was some namby-pamby sunlight effect - it's just mildly interesting.


I have two good recommendations for you.  The first is an excellent documentary, 'The Overnighters' - a powerful documentary about the migration of men to Williston, North Dakota, to find employment in the fracking business, and the toll it takes on the community and particularly the pastor who tries to help them - there is something very sadly ironic in the ending too.  Watch it - it really is excellent.

And the second is my latest read, 'The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle' by Haruki Murakami - some of you may have read it.  It is most bizarre but utterly compelling.  I was hooked.

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