Proud Weegie

By Shiv

The Hermitage

After yesterday's glorious day - there was only one place to head to for an Autumnal blip....Perth (and not the Western Australia one!).

Sadly it was overcast and a wee bit nippy today ! But the Autumn colours were still gorgeous.  A flask of homemade soup (retrieved from the back of the freezer!) soon warmed us up.

No 3 brought her bike, No 1 brought her glorious presence, No 2 chose to stay at home...although phoned us later to say there was a power cut and she was huddled under a duvet ! No leccy - no internet ! Positively Dickensian !

I immediately bored No 1 with tales of the 1970 power cuts, smelly paraffin heaters and doing your homework by candlelight.  

Eyes were raised to heaven - seems she's heard all my stories before.

Back home, ironing mountain and (oh joys) car insurance renewal !!! 

Here's a pretty view of The Hermitage lookout.  This blip really doesn't do justice to the gorgeous colours, the waterfall and those enormous trees.  You'll just have to go there yourself and see it.

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