loco viejo


Varied day

Following last night's excitements, eventually got to sleep about 3. Thereafter:
8am awake, browse fb etc
8.30am begin work (school emails, IEP analysis, MidYIS / YELLIS analysis, etc.)
12.00 take this blip of "my" 6th Form block on the way to brave Jane's special brunch fry up
1.00 have stomach ache
2.00 meet Hil for coffee in town, agree I will keep Pease St and continue to rent it out
3.00 move to McDs to meet Naomi, Calanthe, agree half term visit to Bham
4.00 meet Ben's mum and dad
5.00 back to the grindstone
8.00 discover Brendan Rogers has been sacked - reflect that style and timing of this is actually good, especially if we get Klopp or de Boer
1.30am finish work - too late of course, but feels like job well done, especially "personalisation" smart targets for SIP (school improvement plan). Good to reflect on how much I have actually achieved since Easter.
2.00am upload and compose blip, with Greene King IPA to accompany...

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