barking mad!

By mcd3

Lake Goollelal

Threw my self out of bed this morning - as it was a tad chilly!! (and 6 o'clock!) But I dont like to waste a day .... belted down to the lake ( in the car I may add!) and the lake was kind to me! The colours were FANTASTIC! the clouds were FANTASTIC and....... it was bloody freezing!

Went for my walk down by the coast with my hood up but warmed up a bit by the time I got back to the car. Stopped off at Bunnings (UK peeps B&Q) and tried to decide on some paint colours .....difficult to do ...even more difficult to understand is the stoopid price!! $150 for 10trs - dont be silly! But Ienjoyed the music considering it was 7am ... a bit of Barry White and then a belting from Heather Small and M People!

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