Iron Oxide Collection

I'm writing this several days later. Got to be honest, I didn't take this photograph and I don't have a Blip for the 6th of my own.

Somewhere along the event my main camera chewed up 3 days of Blips. One Blip was rescued with a well timed (apparently) photograph from my compact, the other Blip I'll restage (it was only going to be a hedge anyway), and todays Blip - I've got absolutely nothing for. I still have no idea why the images never came off the camera though - they weren't even consecutive!

Anyway, on the left is the grotty Kharmann Ghia from one of our teams, more iron oxide than car, and on the right is a hardtop Kharmann Ghia that they found randomly in what looks like a quarry. Anyway, 'our' Ghia serves as potent reminder to the owner of the nice yellow one what happens if you leave these water soluble vehicles outside.

Strangely enough, by the end of the rally, with a 2nd layer of paint, the team Ghia wasn't looking half bad. Still want a tetanus shot just to look in its direction, but a marked improvement of needing a tetanus shot to merely look at a photo of it.

I've since heard that the Ghia is parked up in New Orleans waiting to be collected by our hardy team. Not sure why, not unless they are dragging it to the far side of Georgia to set fire to it, but, they want it back anyway....

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