
Our trip home took a while longer than expected. A delay on the first flight from Birmingham to Edinburgh meant that we had missed boarding for out flight to Kirkwall. One of the staff advised she'd call the desk and that we should run...we did...from one end of the airport to the other. Mr P sprinted like a gazelle and managed to get us on the plane. We sat on the plane sweating profusely for 25mins before being asked to disembark as there was an issue with the brakes. All the passengers sat around for a couple of hours waiting for a replacement plane. Eventually the board told us to go to a gate at the other end of the airport. We got there to see a notification that the gate number had changed...yep, that's right, all the way back where we were.

We're home now, reunited with the dogs and really hopefully we'll be reunited with our baggage soon... Last seen on a conveyor belt in Birmingham.

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