The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The bottling plant

I admit that this shot was taken yesterday, at Jon and Symon's place, as we bottled the apple juice. See yesterday's blip for more details.

I just don't have time to take pictures some days. I got a lift to nursery from Steve because it was raining, and I had a wooden train set to transport. The children sampled some of the apple juice about which I wrote yesterday. We viewed my red Scrumptious apples blip picture on the large plasma screen, and it looked ok! Afterwards, I ran to the bus station, caught a bus to Bowbridge, and walked the mile or so to my next job. Plenty of views along the canal, just no time to stop. At the rehab: obviously I dont take pictures of clients, but I did not even have a coffee break, as I was helping a noisy person to make a product on their own, so that I could have a quiet word about noise! Then CleanSteve turned up with an aromatherapy starter kit I'd bought for a client who sadly, had already left. Fortunately, someone else wants to buy it instead.

Then we went home and I went straight to setting up the room for a long massage! A cup of tea would have been rejuvenating for me, but no, I'd booked the client in. For some reason, I have created a series of appointments on Monday afternoons, which does not suit me, having done two jobs already, rushing betwen the two, Next, I sorted out all my essential oils. Need I say I have far too many?

I'm watching Panorama now, and realising that I still have to read a whole play by tomorrow, and a Staff meeting to attend at 7.45 am. I'm supposed to be climbing tomorrow evening. Something might have to give.

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