
By Artminx


On the first Monday of every month I attend Anthony Barrow's life drawing session, it costs each artist just £12 for 3 hours which includes 5 poses, a cup of coffee and if we are lucky Tony brings biscuits. 

Today we had dark chocolate digestives.

I love these sessions, not only for the pure joy of drawing for three hours but also for the practise in figure drawing which I hope will help me with future artworks. The first three short poses I did in pen and charcoal, this one here was a pencil outline with acrylic ink and the final longer pose i painted straight with the acrylic ink. This second pose is certainly the one I am most happy with. 

Looking forward to next month as hopefully we are working with acrylics, almost unchartered territory for me.

Oh, and this is my first blipfoto, so hello.


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