Brown Hare

This is an illustration in a book called "The Country Set" by Hannah Dale. It's one of my treasured possessions purchased when I was in England. I bought the book at the tea shop at Hardcastle Crags and it is filled with the most charming illustrations which fall in the category of "If I could paint, this is what my paintings would look like".  I'll probably blip more of them as time goes on because they are delightful.  The book, and the stone wall bookends holding it up which were given to me by Midgehole Dave and BezziePet, are three of my favorite reminders of my trip to England.

Of course, as you may have guessed, I had to take the easy route to a blip today because I was home with an eye infection that has caused me no small amount of misery.  I did see the doctor and am now armed with a powerful medication which should help, soon I hope.  I didn't want to go to work until I was sure I wasn't contagious.  Apparently it's a rather violent allergic reaction to something.  I wish I knew what so I could avoid it in the future.

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