The midday chorister rests.
Today was the second of the two days for which I was "loaned" by Maternal Mental Health to Early Psychosis Intervention. Two teams in the same DHB. Each intent on providing the best possible service to vulnerable patients with particular needs. Patients in the midst of a major life transition.
The one group being women giving life to another human. The other made up largely of young persons transitioning from child to adult. Both transitions are hard enough when everything goes well. When one must also deal with challenges to one's rational (human) self, the guidance we are privileged to offer becomes essential.
I worked with EPI a year ago (more or less), and was humbled to be welcomed back with open arms. Three of the patients I was asked to see, I had seen also at that time, and was welcomed also by them and their family members. I feel privileged to hold the responsibility to help, in what ever way I am able.
When I took a walk across the hospital campus from this unit on the outskirts of the hospital to the senior doctors' lounge to pick up a coffee to go with lunch, I heard and then saw a thrush in a tree. It relocated from a leafy tree to this one still waiting to grow new leaves, and a clear shot was the result.
Took my dear S to her book club tonight (a fellow member will bring her home), and then went to buy a pizza. While it was being cooked, I took the opportunity to go to the neighbouring wine shop (with the message posted yesterday still on the wall), where I was able to get some quality discounted white wine.
Must pack tonight for the early morning flight to Wellington for two days of crisis work.
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