Pink details

It's Tiny Tuesday hosted by Jensphotos/Newcastle Downunder this month, thanks for that. This is a close-up of a small modern version of a Peranakan bowl with a dome-like lid. Pink of course, so good for Pink October. Please remember to visit the Breast Cancer Site and click on the pink bar to help fund free mammograms for those who can't afford them.

Peranakans are a special population group living in Singapore, parts of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, they're descendants from marriages between Chinese merchants setting up businesses in these regions and local women, forming a new group with special traditions and customs. They liked pastel colours, rich decorations and their special commissioned china ware was filled with designs like these, stylised peonies and phoenixes. If you want to see more of this bowl and know about its size, have a look here

Thank you very much for your comments and stars for my pink puppets on a string :-)

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