Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Shaw doesnt mind

so says Dris anyway. Couldn't resist this for my blip today. Dris looks so cheeky and Shaw looks completely unimpressed!!

Loaded the cattle on the trailer for the abattoir without any problems, sent husband on his way then took the dogs for a walk. Husbands dogs were a bit upset on account of him having left without them. They seemed to enjoy the walk though. It involved many detours due to the cattle all sitting at the gates to home as the bullocks in the shed were complaining and the neighbours cows were roaring probably because their calves left this morning also but heading to the mainland for the cattle sale at the mart. That will be next years fun.

Feel like the clock is ticking with Ben, his owner is coming to stay tomorrow for the "handover" so I can teach her the new things he's learnt and how to work with him. Hopefully my training has paid off and now she can progress with him where she has struggled before. I have been busy writing his report card and instructions on how to do things with him. Will have to email it to her though as no sign of the new printer yet. I have a backlog of stuff wanting printed.

Finally today got back onto doing some of my coursework. Things have been so busy and it had being preying on my mind to get back into doing it but I just haven't had the energy to approach it. Now I'm back into it, its not as daunting as I thought it was!

14c 5mph overcast and misty damp in the morning dry in the afternoon with a touch of sun occasionally.

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