#FC . . . Blipper Power . . .  yet again your power has worked wonders  . . . so one huge THANK YOU !

Mr Hilton went for his vet scan on his leg today. He looks a bit worried. The damage is not as bad as was feared. He has damaged his check ligament – no I had never heard of this either !

Not as serious as a tendon and hope for the future. He can have two 10 minute walks each day, building up an extra 5 minutes a day each week. Once he gets to two 30 minute walks a day some light exercise can be undertaken. In a few months he can be back on the hack and dressage trail – if he behaves himself. I have had strong words with him – if he misbehaves I am sending the Blippers round to deal with him . . . hehe.
Added an extra image today showing the scan result for those with grand eyes.

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