Aethon ni i Bae Dwnrhefn ger Southerndown gyda'n grŵp Bwdist. Mae'n lle pererindod i ni achos rhai o flynyddoedd yn ôl ymwelon ni â'r lle gydag athro pwysig. Eisteddon ni mewn myfyrdod yna am awr. Mae'n dda i ni gael lle pererindod leol. Mae ychydig o leoedd fel hyn gyda ni yn y wlad hon. Ar ddiwedd y dydd aethon ni adre i rannu cawl pwmpen flasus
We went to Dunraven Bay, near Southerndown with our Buddhist group. It is a place of pilgrimage for us as some years ago we went to this place with an important teacher. We sat there in meditation for an hour. It's good for us to have a local place of pilgrimage. We have a few places like this in this country. At the end of the day we went home to share a delicious pumpkin soup.
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