Yellow Rose

Today was dominated by the fact that I was meeting a new doctor. The old one never impressed me very much and I was on the lookout for a new one …never an easy task in a new place with all kinds of new protocols in place. For reasons that were never explained, the 'old' doctor (undoubtedly young enough to be my daughter) left the practice rather abruptly and has now been replaced by the one I met today.

So far so good….I really liked her, she spent a lot of time with me and seemed very thorough. We had a wide ranging conversation about blood pressure, insomnia and the fact that she just moved here from Philadelphia,  She looks even younger than the last one, but seems practical, well informed and empathetic. I think we hit it off well…especially since the patient before her had really rattled tested her and she was happy to have one who was undemanding and interested in what she had to say. It's a two way street. 

I wish I had taken her picture, because she is an adorable  gorgeous black woman. Maybe next time.

In the midst of the chaos occasioned by David, our contractor friend and Korry, his brother-in-law the cabinet maker coming to the door with a bottle of 'special' beer (aren't they all?) and being exuberantly greeted by Blake,  John, the ever so ernest pest control guy, appeared at the door to make the rounds of the outside of the house, and when he came inside to discuss his findings, Blake wound up in the bathroom where Dana found him when she came to pick him up.

It was very peaceful on the upper level where I went to get the last of the tomatoes. This yellow rose was especially pretty with the sun behind it. 

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