Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Stobo 2

More rain in the night, but with the help of a big fluffy duvet (and a Drambuie) I didn't hear a thing!

Day 2 at Stobo Castle Spa. Lots of ladies sitting about in bathrobes all day. Seems strange to be going to lunch in a bathrobe and slippers !

Very chilled out day.

Final trip to Peebles on way home to catch them clearing up after the parade for the Beltane festival this morning. Must have been quite a parade ! Papa Smurf (with the blue washed out body paint) was propping up the bar in the local.

I love Peebles. Great place. The company I work for own a huge house and estate there that they let out for staff holidays. We have had many great holidays in the glorious Kingsmeadows House. Which is sadly now up for sale. We were the last guests to stay there at Hogmanay.

If anyone has a few million to spare - a love holiday home !

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