Splashing Fun!

The wind has dropped and the sun was out again thank goodness so I popped down the track for a short walk this morning between showers. It was sunny at first with hoverflies and butterflies in the air. I heard and spotted a robin, but it was too far away for a blip. The same goes for the squirrels I saw running up and down a tree.

Just before it began to rain I caught sight of this drake preening and washing itself in the pond. I'm sure I could have moved a bit closer to get a better shot but I didn't want to spoil it's fun!

This leads me nicely into the results for this week's Mono Monday FUN challenge. It was great fun to look at everyone's fantastic entries but very difficult to decide who got the hearts.

Hearts, in no particular order, go to

Thanks for joining in hop you had fun in the process. I'll announce the theme for next week in a couple of days here on my journal, and on the Facebook Blipfoto Friends page.

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