a new year!

By Thesalh70

Ladies that do lunch

Never have a proper lie in. Saturday and I'm not working at 49, and not out til lunch, but still awake and up at 6.30!

Steady morning and ran a few errands first thing. This week if finally gotten round to printing off the picture of the old lady called Stella which I took at the parade in may. I framed it, and took it to the nursing home this morning for them to give to Stella, hope she likes it, the staff there did.

Got ready and then off to Sheffield with mrs kirk and mrs brooks for lunch at the pub made famous by Gordon ramsays series, the milestone. Little g&t on the train, and nibbles.

Started off with a kir royale once we hit Sheffield. Not been there since I did my bank induction, 25 years ago!

Meal at the milestone was spot on. 3 exceptional courses, bottld of prosecco and then cocktails, for £40 each, brilliant. Great food and great company.

Back on the 6.06pm in time for the Spain game, or the good life...haven't decided yet!

Long shift tomorrow at 49! Looking forward to it

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