Apple Rose

I was going to call it Burnt Offering but in fact it only looks so bad because you leave the apple peel on. If the light worked in my oven I would have moved them to a lower shelf sooner but I think we can all see what it's meant to be.

Next time I'll use puff pastry as per the recipe and red apples as per the recipe but I used up what I had while I experimented!

I had my annual optician's appointment today. Only a slight change with vision and everything healthy in the science bit. Much more helpful people than those I saw last year and I've now been told I can get the colour test I need for the correct tinted lenses at Anglia Ruskin University's medical bit. 

Came out having spent no money which is always nice, thanks to a free eye test voucher, so felt I should support the local economy by visiting M & S and the charity shops. All gave me brownie points for having my own bags! 

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