2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

a sky full of stars

Here's the eighth (and final!) of the series of eight cards that the Scottish Poetry Library has produced for National Poetry Day (the theme this year is light) ...

... it's by Maoilios Caimbeul - and can also be read in full (with translation!) here.

And, as promised a week ago, tomorrow - which is National Poetry Day - I’ll blip my very favourite poem about this year’s theme: light.


Dòchas –
rionnag anns na speuran.

Dùil –
rocaid agus rionnag anns na speuran.

Creideamh –
adhar làn rionnagan.

Cinnt –
grian a’ deàrrsadh



Hope –
star in the skies.

Expectation –
rocket and star in the skies.

Faith –
sky full of stars.

Certainty –
sun shining.


Maoilios Caimbeul (Myles Campbell; 1944 - )


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