Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Culloden Battlefield

Can you tell that the cold Autumn winds were whipping across Culloden Moor, where the Jacobite army, supporting the Young Pretender, (good ol' Bonnie Prince Charlie) , was devastated by the British Government forces lead by another young Prince, the Duke of Cumberland.
The "score" after just one hour was 50 government forces dead (with many more to died subsequently of their wounds), 1500 Jacobite dead. Most of the rest were run down and killed.

It wasn't as simple as English vs Scotland. It wasn't as simple as Catholic vs Protestant, although religion muddied the reasons for this uprising that almost succeeded. Many families placed a son in each army, to ensure that the family had a two way bet with history.

The losers were the Highlanders. Regardless of which side the clans had supported, the Duke of Cumberland (rightly named Butcher) laid waste to fields, crops, animals and livelihoods. The gaelic language, culture and identity was systematically outlawed and surplanted by the alien lowlands Scots /English culture.

Only now do you see signs in the original language which infuriates folk who who have moved into the area, and ironically feel that a different culture is being imposed on them. Including my parents in this photo.

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