
By ilonka


We've been on a train!

The three of us went to London to sort out Emilia's passport. Emilia liked the train and she made lots of new friends. She played with a little girl, Lilly, who wasn't that happy about sharing her balls, but they played together all right.
I was surprised at and proud of Emilia, she was sooooo good! I still have a fresh memory of going to London last year and what a hard job it was. Things must be getting easier, then ;)
Probably the best part of the whole London business is being able to see my baby sis. We had a dinner at hers and went to a playground.
Now is that fair that she's got three lovely playgrounds just minutes from her flat in the very centre of the capital? I need to walk 30min to get to ours!
Took some nice photos, I like this one and that one too.

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