loco viejo


My eclectic, globalised desk

Single malt from Skye, Suffolk IPA glass, schoolwork about Inuits in Greenland, Kashmir earthquake and Japan, Danish money, cigars from Indonesia via Holland, breathalyser end piece, Oxford gown, Quaker pamphlets, pic from Mum's funeral of me with sisters (two born in Ecuador, one in Brazil, one lives in Texas, one in Florida, one about to move to Portugal) and brother, DVD for the course I designed which I use with Year 8 - The Greatest Places - very Americanised documentary about Madagascar, Tibet, Amazon, Iguaçu, Greenland, Namib Desert, Okavango. When they are done with the course, all my students understand the term "airbrushed", and are hopefully suitably wary of the danger of just taking media at face value.

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